4 Week Timeline

Week 1: Blogs and Photos (May 9-15) Level 1: Create a blog
Level 2: Embed an image on your blog
Level 3: Play with an online Image generator
Level 4: Tag some photos on Flickr and your Blog

Week 2: Readers’ Advisory (May 16-22) Level 1: GoodReads, Library Thing , & Shelfari
Level 2: Choice Books
Level 3: Get Familiar with ListenNJ
Level 4: YouTube and Book Trailers

Week 3: Crafts and Programs (May 23-29) Level 1: Sign up for a Delicious account
Level 2: Go to a craft site* and add it to Delicious
*Extra Credit - Make a craft you found on site, take a picture, & post to your blog
Level 3: Visit the CSS Google Site
Level 4: Create a wiki or add content to a wiki page

Week 4: Games and NJ (May 30-June 3) Level 1: Play an online game
Level 2: Exciting Websites!
Level 3: Become familiar with NJ TBBC
Level 4: Attend our CSS Executive Board meeting on June 3